How things change

I haven’t written a blog in what seems like forever. I used to love writing them as I found it calmed my brain away from the hecticness of everyday life. Now I feel is the time to get back to it. So much has changed since my last blog, some good, some amazing and some not so good. So let’s start with the good. My little business is continuing to grow and adapt to the challenges around it. I have met some amazing people on the way who support me unconditionally. They see the things in what I make and produce that I may not and show me how I have adapted to the demands, wants and needs of the customers who seek me out. I honestly could not run this little business without those people in my corner. My brain gets overwhelmed at times with all the things that I want to make and I have to remind myself that I am limited in the time that I can dedicate to the making process. I work part time and also have family commitments to try and fit in as well. You can often find me watching...