Zombie bunnies - cute or not?

So after making lots of different types of cute cacti I found that I had quite a range of green yarn. One particular shade of green did not seem quite right for the cacti, although I might change my mind on that at a later date. This green was rather vibrant but not so bright that it could be classed as neon. The dilemma was then born. What do I make with this colour as I wasn’t feeling it at this moment in time for cacti. I also wanted to do something that wasn’t traditionally classed as “cute”. I thought. Would go with the magic ring to start off with and go from there. Before I knew it I had the start to a head shape. Now I have a rather large collection of buttons so I thought that I would see what button eyes would look like instead of the usual safety eyes. I really liked the look of it and decided to go one step further and see what effect two different size buttons would give. I loved it! The next thing to then decide was whether to go with a mouth or not. Now I love Tim Burt...