Crochet cactus with cute bunting

As you know I absolutely love making my cacti and love how they all have their different characters depending on the type of yarn used as well as the colours. Having done some of the micro versions lately I thought it was time to go large. I needed to think about what type of yarn this first mega cactus was going to be made out of. Did I go traditional colours or to go for a bright colour? For a first attempt I thought I would stick with a shade of green. In my stash I have the most beautiful yarn that I thought would be perfect. It is a dark olive colour and is fluffy as well which is a bonus as some of the succulents that I have seen at my local garden centre do indeed have a fluffy looking texture. Yarn chosen now it was time to get underway. There wasn’t much difference in the number of stitches but I wanted this to have a different feel to it. I felt that it needed to have “arms” like the stereotypical cactus does. These were made and completed along with the safety eyes. I fo...